Dear all,. Please find below the update:.

05 Jan 2021, 11:06
Dear all, Please find below the update: 1. Development the platform development, in its new functional goals is completed, we have now all the needed tools and functionalities to serve any entity which has a need in collecting, monitoring and analyzing data coming from multiple channels. On the development side there were constant updates regarding functionality, but just to do a briefing, we can offer the following: - Sether API calls - Social marketing specialized Data Oracle - Sether Brand Voice collecting, monitoring and analyzing social media mentions. As example: a company has 20 brands or more in its portfolio. For each of the brands there are specific keywords used by people when referring the brand in different social media channels. Per each brand could be around 700 to 1000 keywords to be monitored across all channels. Therefore a company would want to see how each brand is performing in terms of brand voice mentions volumes, sentiment, hot topics, to compare with other internal brands and to compare everything with the competition. Also there is a need for flexibility in dashboarding for instance if there is some paid contest/campaign for a brand you need to see your dashboard with these mentions but also without them so you can get the organic growth. Sether Brand Voice tool is a business exemplification on what could be built on top of the collected data. - Sether Insights offering insights on your audience: - Demographics - Socioeconomics - Media Affinity - Personality - Buying mindset - Online habits - Interests This tool is based on the same data, but focused more on the marketing research part. Large companies usually know very well their audience, but still they cannot keep up with the new content outlets which could be of interest for them to use them as micro-influencers for instance. They could find out automatically what are the content preferences of their audience, their favorite influencers and how these preferences are changing in time. But for a medium to smaller company or a newcomer in a market, this could be a powerful tool to determine their possible audience. In the sense that for instance knowing their competition, they can analyze their audience, draw conclusions and target the right persons with the marketing. - Sether Custom Projects similar with the examples above, we can support companies in many directions which are using such type of data rewarding influencers through smart contracts based on their contribution, rewarding agencies through smart contracts based on their performance. We are a on stop shop for social media analysis. The focus for this year will be on sales, on offering and integrating our APIs in different technical ecosystems through partnerships, on proposing our token as an accepted marketing token, on creating custom projects with the interested entities. 2. Token We are going to open markets for the token, so any entity wanting to use the token to be able to do that. The plan was to have the first one in the last week of December, but it was delayed a little by the exchange. We hope to have it in place this week. Our usage target will be both companies from the blockchain space and companies/individuals which are not familiar with this space and for which we need to create some mechanism for the seamless token usage. 3. Community We need to bring in new people, more technical and business oriented. It is a tough goal, but it has to be done in order to support properly the efforts to create awareness around our platform and functionalities. We are thinking here also of a new communication form maybe a dedicated forum or similar environments. Together with this we have to find a new way to administer the current Telegram channel, which does not serve properly any mean. We are going to assess some options and come back on this one.