Projects & project migration.

25 May 2021, 15:08
Projects & project migration Users can organize their work into projects and all the configurations and keywords hierarchies from one project can be exported and imported into another project belonging to the same user or to any other user. Collaboration Users can invite other users to collaborate on the same project. There are “Editor” and “Viewer” roles, allowing certain users configure keywords and others just visualizing dashboards. Export All the widgets can be exported and downloaded so the users can integrate them into offline reports. Data Insights Using the Data Insights module, one can do an in-depth analysis of his social media audience. Using advanced aggregation techniques and AI algorithms, raw social media data is transformed into powerful insights: Demographics This section splits the analysed audience into following charts: Distribution by Age Distribution by Gender Distribution by Country Distribution by City Social-Economics Widgets that show the following: Education level of targeted audience Job industries of targeted audience Languages spoken Distribution of sentiment across audience’s mentions Main domains of interest Influencers There are determined two types of influencers: Actual Social Media influencers existing in the analysed audience. They are determined by their social media numbers (likes, views, shares, etc.); Audience influencers. Determined with a betweenness centrality algorithm. They represent the influencing nodes in the analysed audience based on their relationships. Personality Personality insights determined by a personality profiling algorithm. A radio chart presents the distribution of the Big5 personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Neuroticism and Agreeableness. Each trait is split furthermore into its personality dimensions. Interests User likes Hashtags Mentions WordCloud Topic modelling Media Affinity Most frequent personal blogs, travel companies, brands, political parties, authors, companies, etc. liked across the audience. Data Oracle Off-chain and on-chain APIs that offer access to the social media metrics and insights discovered by the Sether modules, to external applications. This module offers users a way of building decentralized and transparent applications over social media data. Off-chain API RESTful API that provides access to social media metrics and data aggregations determined by Sether. Blockchain API Solidity API and event listening module integrated with Ethereum Blockchain. Features the same methods as the RESTful API but makes them available in smart contracts. Administration dashboard Social media connections and keywords configuration can be made visually on Sether’s main web application by API consumers. Here they can also track their API usage, expenses and configure billing details. Examples of AI Algorithms used so far Brand Voice Sentiment analysis Topic detection Location mining Data Insights Face detection Location detection Personality prediction Sentiment &Category mining Topic detection